Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Secret?

We all have secrets-- its the product of our conscience. We feel like we have to mold to a perfect society, therefore we keep our flaws to ourselves. Of course I have kept a secret in my life. Probably the largest was a few weeks ago. I didn't lose sleep over it per say, however it did make me feel bad for the person who told me. I felt helpless because if i told a higher power, it could destroy my friends life, but if i did nothing, she could get hurt in the long run. I battled with myself about how I should handle it and ultimately decided to just tell my parents and discuss the matter with them. I only did this because i trust them, not because i wanted to betray my friend by telling someone when she deliberately told me "do not tell anyone."
Whenever I keep a secret, though, I feel a special bond with the person who told me. They trust me with a deep spot of their personal lives, which is quite an honor if you really think about it. So a secret, I guess, is both a burden and a blessing given by one who finds you remarkably trustworthy and puts their lives in your hands. 

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