Thursday, January 8, 2009

more resolutions

A few days ago I posted some New Years resolutions. Considering I'm having a horrible morning, I have come to the realization that there are a few more I need to add to my list. Lets call these my week-late resolutions:
1. get to bed early. I went to sleep after finishing my homework at 1 last night and I've never been more frazzled. 
2. dont miss the bus--note to self: makes mom angry
3. Do less. I do too much. I'm running talent night, am going to be in 2 shows, have SAT tutors twice a week, I'm secretary for my BBYO (youth group) chapter, and to top it off i take voice lessons. Something's gotta give. 
4. Chill out. Im going to get into college no matter what, so I need to stop stressing that I'm not going to get in anywhere and my life will be ruined forever. 
5. Stop procrastinating. To begin this resolution I am going to work on my creative writing that is due tomorrow that I have been stupidly putting off. 

that is all. 

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