Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009!

It's 2009. Time again for those pesky resolutions that we never seem to keep. I was actually thinking about this a few days ago, which usually never happens to me. Anyway, here's what I came up with:
1. Stop living in the past
I know this is a... let's put it... vague resolution, but anyone who knows me well will probably encourage me to keep this one. I don't need to forget my amazing 2008, just stop talking about it so much. I've decided to move on with my life. To achieve this goal will be quite difficult, I know that for a fact. I need to do this so I can once again start living and enjoying myself instead of wanting to hide from what I have grown to be. I'm not really sure how i will accomplish this, but know that when I put my mind into something, giving up is not an option 
2. Study hard 
This is pretty self explanatory--it's junior year. I have to buckle down, turn off Facebook, turn off the music and the cell phone, and concentrate. These next few months will be hard, but I know if I can do those few things, it will better myself in the long run.

Happy New Year, Happy Resolutions, Happy Life


Liz said...

Great resolutions. Good luck with them!

Anonymous said...

lol don't kill me but #1.. PIOS.
ily :)