Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Walter "Rex" Smith

A wise man named Walter "Rex" Smith once said "There's nothing hard about writing.  All you have to do is sit down and open up a vein." While I agree somewhat with Smith, I must say that there are only two hard parts about writing. The first being getting started and the second being staying on topic. Once I find the small part of me that holds my creativity, I can write until my fingers turn blue. My problem as a writer is I never know where to begin and I constantly question myself. I ask if the reader will want to read what I have come created. Staying on topic for me is quite difficult. I always find myself going on tangents and then having to get myself back on track. So, here's to you Mr. Smith, who thinks writing is nothing more than a difficult task put on your plate. 


Portfolio said...

I completely agree with everything you have said! Once I get started and stay on task it is easy for me to write forever but like you the only problem is getting started.

Ali said...

I completely agree with you and Meghan!